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In the game, the player controls Vince, a voodoo doll who can perform an assortment of moves to make his way through the levels. Vince can perform standard moves such as jumps, punches, and a spin attack. The game revolves around Vince's ability to use voodoo powers, which the player can get by finding special voodoo icons scattered through the game. When Vince's voodoo power meter is full, the player can use a voodoo power to destroy every enemy nearby. Each voodoo power uniquely hurts Vince, but they all have roughly the same effect on Vince's enemies.[2]

Scattered throughout the game's levels are special items for Vince to collect: Zombie Dust Bags, which upon collecting 100 will increase Vince's health bar; Hearts, which give Vince extra lives; Beads, which are collected from fallen enemies and fill Vince's voodoo power meter; and Skull Pages, which upon collecting all in a certain level will reveal a Skull. If the player manages to find, chase, and capture the Skull, it will increase the number of voodoo powers Vince can perform at one time. Many levels also offer a trolley station, which allows the player to travel between different levels of the game.

Many of the game's levels have some sort of puzzle in which Vince must activate some sort of device to use it to inflict pain on himself to destroy a larger enemy (the bosses in particular). For instance, in one of the first levels of the game, Vince must defeat a pair of unruly gas pumps, by setting himself on fire and then throwing himself in a puddle of gasoline surrounding the gas pumps.

Several levels differ from the standard gameplay the player experiences through the rest of the game and involve piloting a vehicle or playing a minigame. Over the course of the game, the player controls Vince piloting an airplane, a swamp boat, a submarine, a bumper car, and other vehicles.

Voodoo Vince

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