The events of Shin Megami Tensei V are divided between two settings: modern-day Tokyo, and a post-apocalyptic landscape called the Da'at. The Da'at was originally an alternate version of Tokyo destroyed in a war between the Angels, who follow the Creator, and the demons loyal to the rebel angel Lucifer. Prior to the game's opening, Lucifer successfully kills the Creator, triggering a power vacuum where other deities who had lost their Knowledge to the Creator seek to regain it and ascend the Throne of Creation. The Bethel Organization, an alliance of divine beings and human operatives from across the world, protects the real world from the Da'at's influence.[3] With Vengeance, the story splits into two branches: the "Canon of Creation" which is the original storyline, and the "Canon of Vengeance" with altered events.[4]
The game's silent protagonist is a high school student who is drawn into the Da'at, and through fusion with the artificial Proto-Fiend Aogami becomes the Nahobino, a demon-like being who has regained their divine Knowledge. There are multiple supporting characters who represent the game's moral alignments: the friendly but dim-witted Ichiro Dazai represents "law", Bethel agent Yuzuru Atsuta represents "chaos", while the rogue Shohei Yakumo and his demon companion Nüwa represent neutrality.[3]
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