Unlike previous Ratchet & Clank games, Clank's gameplay is more like Ratchet's in comparison. In previous titles, Clank's gameplay consisted mostly of brief, puzzle-platform-oriented segments with minor melee combat elements; in Secret Agent Clank, he has weapons and gadgets of his own. Featured are quick time events where the player must press a sequence of buttons correctly to sneak through an area undetected.[4] Giant Clank, wherein Clank transforms into a monster-sized fighting machine, also makes an appearance.[citation needed]
Besides Clank, both Ratchet and Captain Qwark are playable in the game,[5] as are the Gadgebots. Qwark's gameplay segments are based on dubious accounts of his own exploits and are more action-based. Ratchet's segments in prison are more like the arena gameplay featured in previous games in the series. The Gadgebot segments require switching between Gadgebots to solve puzzles.
Clank has six weapons in his inventory: the Tie-a-Rang, Cuff Link Bombs, Tanglevine Carnation, Blowtorch Briefcase, Thunderstorm Umbrella, and Holo-Knuckles. Throughout the game, Clank will find weapons that Ratchet can use. Clank secretly puts the weapons in cakes, then sends them to prison for Ratchet to pick up.[4][6][7] Clank has the opportunity to gain access to a snowboard and other vehicles.[5] The player can upgrade Clank's "Clank-Fu" fighting moves and weapons, similar to the weapons-leveling system in traditional Ratchet & Clank games. The player can learn new techniques, as well as various finishing moves.[8]
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