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Iron Man / X-0 Manowar In Heavy Metal

At the start of the game, the player(s) choose to control either Iron Man or X-O Manowar.[2] Both Iron Man and X-O Manowar can jump, punch, shoot an unlimited supply of energy beams (that can be upgraded through icons) and use a limited but replenishable supply of energy to fly. Iron Man can duck while X-O Manowar can block enemy attack by shield. At the start of each mission, a computer screen gives the player's objectives.

During the game, players can collect medical icons to restore their health, and other icons to give more fuel, stronger laser blasts and a special icon that allows one mega-blast from a character's armor chestplate. The game also allows the player characters to destroy various gas canisters, metal wiring and control panels to locate more icons, deactivate certain weapons, or advance in the game.

Two people can play the game simultaneously in a cooperative manner. Both can play as the same character if desired.[2]

Iron Man / X-0 Manowar In Heavy Metal

SKU: 021481210573

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