Digimon Rumble Arena is a fighting game that is set within the universe of the Digimon media franchise and features a gameplay style closely resembling that of Super Smash Bros., particularly in its single-button attacks.[1] In the game's single-player mode, the player controls a Digimon and fights a series of computer-controlled opponents, unlocking new characters in the process.[2][3] Clearing the single-player campaign unlocks three mini-games that can be played against a computer-controlled or human opponent. The mini-games consist of "Target Games", in which characters toss a ball to collect gems; "Digivolve Race", in which characters punch a speed bag to fill a gauge; and "Basketball Game", in which characters shoot baskets into a moving hoop.[3][4] The two-player mode allows two human players to compete against each other, and the "Vs. Computer" mode allows the player to face the computer-controlled opponent of their choice.[2]
Digimon Rumble Arena initially includes nine playable characters out of a total of 24.[1][5] The roster is composed of characters featured in the anime series Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, and Digimon Tamers.[3] Each character is associated with one of three "specialties"—fire, nature, or water—which makes them stronger against or more vulnerable to certain fighters.[5] The gameplay primarily consists of two Digimon fighting one-on-one in one of seven themed arenas.[1] Characters can jump, guard, and have a series of basic attacks as well as two special techniques.[3] Landing successful hits against the opponent or guarding against attacks will gradually increase a gauge that allows the player character to undergo "Digivolution"—a transformation into a more powerful character—when it is filled. In this state, the character can execute a special technique that empties the gauge and returns the character to their previous form.[6]
The game's arenas feature interactive elements and traps (such as falling rocks or lava flows) that players can avoid or use to their advantage.[7] Matches may be timed, with the winner being determined by which character has more health remaining,[6] though the time limit can be deactivated in the options menu.[2] During a match, items and cards will randomly appear that are either beneficial or detrimental to the player, such as increasing or decreasing the player's Digivolution gauge or attack strength.[6]
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