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Modern Warfare III features similar gameplay to Modern Warfare II and other games in the Call of Duty series. The game's single player campaign features a mixture of linear missions, and open-world missions known as "Open Combat Missions". In these missions, players have greater freedom to choose how they want to approach designated objectives, choosing between open combat to stealth and ambush tactics.[6] Players have access to an on-screen map of the area, including a tactical map that outlines objectives and usual equipment, with caches of weapons, gear and specialized equipment on hand. Enemies react accordingly during such missions, searching for players if they lose sight of them, and calling in reinforcements as their numbers decrease in combat.[7]

In Multiplayer, all sixteen maps from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) are available to play on, with the added ability to vote for maps while in a matchmade lobby (which was absent in some recent titles), and increased player health for longer "time-to-kill" (TTK).[8] The "red dot" minimap that was absent in Modern Warfare (2019) and Modern Warfare II also returns, allowing players to see enemies on their radar when they fire a weapon without a suppressor.[9] In addition, players are also able to cancel sliding animations (i.e "slide cancel").[10] Classic game modes such as "Kill Confirmed" and "Hardpoint" return alongside a new game mode titled "Cutthroat", where three teams of three players go head to head. Players can also engage in the 32v32 "Ground War" mode with a selection of dedicated maps, as well as the "War" mode, returning from 2017's Call of Duty: WWII.[8] The game features moderation powered by artificial intelligence, listening in on in-game interactions and immediately reporting any overly-toxic behavior.[11][12] At least twelve new 6v6 multiplayer maps have been confirmed to release post-launch,[8] while fan-favorite Modern Warfare II maps will also be added every season.[13]

Call of Duty Modern Warfare III

SKU: 047875105164

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