Bomberman Hero controls very differently from Bomberman 64. In Hero, the character can jump, has a life meter, faces tougher bosses, and has the ability to throw bombs further, thus, making it a more platform-oriented experience. There are several different areas to be encountered, each with about five different stages. A unique feature is that it is possible to play with an extra advancement, such as a jetpack or a submarine.
There are several different types of bombs in addition to the regular ones. Ice bombs turn enemies into a block of ice that can be moved around and used to jump on to get to higher places. Salt bombs only harm slugs, which are invulnerable to all other weapons. Control bombs explode when remotely detonated; a useful ability against certain bosses.
Much of the game's replay value is in the sub-mission of scoring the number of target points per stage, which awards Bomberman a certain amount of stage points (1 through 5) at the end of each level. Stages can be replayed in order to secure the highest possible score within them. Medals are awarded on a per-planet basis, based on the total number of stage points upon the planet's completion (red, blue, bronze, silver, and gold). Getting a perfect score on every planet (or rather, a gold medal on each one) will award mini-games that can be accessed on the options screen.
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