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The game combines elements of both Angry Birds and Angry Birds Space, featuring levels that take place on both standard terrain and in outer space. The game begins on Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker's home desert planet, moves to the Death Star I in parallel with A New Hope, travels to Hoth, then Cloud City in parallel with The Empire Strikes Back, and eventually ends up with Endor and Death Star II in parallel with Return of the Jedi. With the exclusion of Blue Bird, all the Birds are given new powers not yet seen before in a canon Angry Birds title, some of these that are upgraded as the game progresses further. Players can replay previously completed levels with the upgraded abilities.

Differences from other games are that Birds may still perform their chosen abilities a split second after colliding with an object. The Millennium Falcon is called the Mighty Falcon and used instead of the Mighty Eagle found in previous games. When a certain number of stars are earned, the player gets a reward. It can be either 5 Mighty Falcons (an item that may be used during normal levels to try to earn badges) or access to a Golden Droid level. There are additional bonus levels if the player manages to hit golden droids in selected levels. On June 13, 2013, power-ups were added.

Angry Birds Star wars

SKU: 047875767829

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